Eric's Klondike Solitaire Pack Examine App

Excellent !

Excellent jeu. Ingénieux les cartes qui sagitent lorsquon peut les déplacer. Il faut juste apprendre à taper au bon endroit et les cartes se déplacent automatiquement, cest très pratique ! Dommage, en fait quil ny ait pas plus de jeux de cartes...0

Meilleur Klondike de lappstore

Apres avoir essaye plus de 10 solitaire Klondike gratuits ou payants cest vraiment le plus abouti niveau réglages, graphisme et prise en main Un grand bravo au dev


Great graphics


My favorite solitaire. Fabulous app.

Love it / jadore !

Ce jeux est parfaitement bien conçu je ne me tanne pas dy jouer. Dans les salles dattente ou il ny a pas internet.

Super ...!

Jadore ce jeux. Ca me relaxe.

Solitaire extrodinaire

Great game thanks

" ᗩᑭᑭ "

Félicitations jeu très plaisant à jouer, surtout avec différents beaux graphiques; je vous donne 6 étoiles. Continuez votre bon travail

Great solitaire


Great Solitaire App!

Five Stars!

Great game!

Great implementation of solitaire.

UPDATE: Crashes after ios16 update

Formerly the best solitaire app in iTunes but now crashes in ios16. Looking forward to an update, so I can get back to enjoying it. Hi! Real simple: I have more than a dozen solitaire apps, and this is the one I play. It's the best one I've found. Buy it. EDIT: Still love this app, but since the IOS 11 update the game freezes frequently, often when it’s first opened. I’m sure this is just some new OS hiccups. The game doesn’t crash, but it is annoying.

Great game

Works well, always fun.

Eric's Solitaire

Great version of classic game. Diane K

Ads kill this app

I absolutely love this game, but I am so tired of playing with an ad after every deal. I would give it five stars if it didn’t have all these ads.

Great classic solitaire

This app is well designed, and I appreciate the fair price and no ads. It also uses almost no battery. Most if the solitaire apps out there are gimmicky. This one is a classic that plays well. I like the various modes too. Thank you for a good game and for pricing it right.

Long Ads

I’d be more open to a direct solicitation for well deserved payment with a quick anonymous link than to suffer thru these uninteresting and distracting ads.

My Favorite !

Love this game !

IOS 14.2 killed this game

So I uninstalled and reinstalled. Now it works. Love the game play. Wish you had Christmas holiday themes.

Last iOS update

App crashes and won’t start after last iOS update 14.2. Reboot still won’t work. :( sad because it’s the only game I like to play. I did what you suggested uninstalling and reinstalling fixed the issue. Thanks

It’s Working Again

The app stopped working with the update to iOS 14.2. Had to delete and reinstall the app and it’s working great. Unfortunately, I lost all my progress in the stats, but it’s okay because I can finally play it again.

Old time computer player

I wish you still had a choice for “always winnable”

Love this!

Been playing this game since it came free on all new Macs. Thanks, Eric!!!!


Crashes constantly, piece of junk.

Addicted! Best of best

Addicting this game is great you’ll LOVE IT

Getting hung up

Update to review below. Ever since I gave this a mediocre review (because of freezes), it now works perfectly! Was someone listening??? Worked great for quite awhile, but now tends to get hung up. No improvement noticed with removing other software, clearing cache, playing on another device, etc. Can still play okay but takes a bit more patience to get it started. Once the new game starts it plays w/o sticking, thus 3 stars.


Great game

Actually not bad

but i hate the rate me box popping up all the time with no way to stop it. don’t know if that’s their choice or apples system. don’t care

Fun to play

Keeps my mind active in a fun way! Part of my daily routine.


Good game

Longtime Eric fan

I’ve been an Eric’s Solitare practically since the beginning (1997?ish) and loved playing so that every game was solvable. Miss that. Otherwise love the game, easy to see, feels like I’m playing with real cards.

Great pastime

I really enjoy the games and play every day - many times during the day. I always enjoyed solitaire but to have the app right there any time - like a good friend - even though I lose a lot. Thanks


I’ve had this for a long time! I just transferred it to my iPad. I have tried others, but they are not this good!

Used to be great. Now it is sluggish and jumpy.

This Solitaire app used to be fantastic, but current versions are very sluggish and jumpy. Frequent pauses while moving cards make it unpleasant to play. I am currently using version 1.8 on an iPhone 8.


Best solitaire ever

The best!!

Clearly the best solitaire game in the App Store bar none! Had to leave one star off for not optimized for iPhone X screen.

Klondike 3 card

Hard but rewarding when you get it done.

Simply the BEST!

Get it!

How willing are you to beat a difficult game?

My favorite way to play this game is Revealed (Deal 1). Puts it all on you. Most of these deals can be beaten; you may get it the first time but more likely you will have to try again and again. Sometimes I have to get out of it for a day or two, but it’s great when you finally win. It can be a real challenge.

Solitaire Review

BEST Solitaire Ever!!


enjoy, not boring works with ease

Eric’s Sol

Too disadvantageous to the player. Game limited to 48 % success.

Eric’s Solitaire

Quick game! Fun to win! Each game is a new treat! Thank you, Eric!😉♥️♠️♦️♣️

Clunky, erratic, prone to freezing

Eric’s games USED to be the best. He quit caring about a year ago. Concerns are ignored immediately. After sharing my concerns about poor play on two different iPhones several times with no improvement I finally deleted and found another app.

Solitaire play


Love this game!

I love it so much. Years ago I had it for my Mac and then couldn’t find it any more. I just looked for it and discovered I couldn’t get this particular game. I have to pay 14.95 for several games. This is a deal breaker since I wanted Klondike. I downloaded another Klondike. I am disappointed.


This used to work fine on iPad but now if don’t wait to play for about 5 seconds, card movement freezes; moves VERY slowly, or does nothing at all. The help menu keeps popping up when touching card stack. (In 1 card mode). The behavior happens on the start of each new game. This has happened only since the last two iOS updates Resolved: deleted the app and reloaded - now works. OS updates must have corrupted something.

Too slow

There’s animation use to place cards is more a meditative pace. No one would call it snappy.


Great game! Lots of fun. I play it every day.


Bottom line it’s too hard to win but I like no commercials!

Solitare review

New version is slow, hangs up, freezes, and has an annoying pop up about a winning streak when there are no more moves in the current game! Have to rate it one star since zero stars isn't an option. Update new version 1.8 is GREAT! All problems fixed. Thanks

Temporary freezes

During each session will freeze for up to 30 seconds but then continues fine.

Interim upgrade issues resolved. Works fine!

I have been playing this game since forever. All of a sudden, the developers decided to ruin it. The cards are jumpy and flakey. It is not playable any more. I see a whole list of developers. Did no one QA this thing? How could you release it like this? Upgraded to current version (1.8). All issues resolved. Changed rating to 5 stars.

Best solitaire ever.

Great fun. love it!!! Tried the rest and it really is the best. 💥

My Favorite!

Love these games ... fast to play & there are so many variations, it doesn't seem as though I have ever repeated one.

Best Solitaire and my favorite game

Best Solitaire and my favorite game. I have tried many Solitaire games on the App Store and this is by far the best one. New update solves the error message the old version was getting from Apple that it could slow down your device.

Was great

After the latest update it stutters a lot and hesitates.

Love Eric solitaire

Great game is difficult but fun only prob is updates needed slows mac down

Play it daily

Never any problems. Play several times daily. And for several years. Pleasant interface.

Outstanding regular solitaire game

This is the best regular solitaire game on any platform (like the one Gates used as main fun element to initially " monopolize" pc platform windows) but tweaked ten fold. I haven't tried all the others but a lot of them. The sounds are perfect. Visuals colorful but not distracting and without silly nit picking rules that penalize for seeing a move a second too late and quickly redoing the move u just discovered. The only suggestion I have to improve is adding a wider range of comments to offer more nuanced reactions to the player's game performance. ( i wish Eric would come up with a submarine and airport game since he is the master of knowing how to keep the skill in the conceptual thinking and fun and eliminating tiny and unneeded skill in minutia. All sub and airplane games suffer from having a plethora of sim details that sap the fun out of the symbolic meaning and emotion that a sub or airport environment should have.)

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